RFID Software Development

RFID stands for Radio-Frequency IDentification. The acronym refers to small electronic devices called tags that consist of a small chip and an antenna. The chip typically is capable of carrying 2,000 bytes of data or less, and is usually packaged to look like a credit card. A tag can be read from up to several feet away and does not need to be within direct line-of-sight of the reader to be tracked. It's like a barcode with attitude.

Is it like a barcode?

No, not really. A barcode is a number easily readable by computers, usually a barcode reader like the checkout at almost any shop. The barcode doesn't change or contain any information other than a long number. To make any sense of this number, the computer must look it up in its database. Only then does it know that the barcode is for a family-sized box of cornflakes, or your daily newspaper.

An RFID tag carries a little more information, and is capable of having its value changed when it is scanned. When you drive across that toll bridge or take a trip on London Undergound, your credit value as recorded on the tag reduces by the relevant amount until you have to queue up for a replenishment. Tags can be scanned and processed while you are on the move, even when your windscreen tag is obscured by rain and mud on your car.

We can discuss with you the various ways they may be able to help your business, as we have been providing customers with RFID solutions for many years. Contact us now for more information.
